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Get your certificateLesson 8: How to become a self-managed employee

Improving your management skills is a long process. You won’t become organized in a day, it takes time. Moreover, you need to explore different strategies to find out what works best for you and what’s most efficient.
Nonetheless, you can start with the basic strategies to manage your schedule, and then you can develop more specific methods.
In this lesson, we share with you a couple of self-management tips.
Make a list and set up a smart schedule
Since most organizing is planning, try to place important meetings, deadlines, and other important dates onto your personal calendar. Try to get tasks done a day or two before the due date so you have time to fix possible errors.
For example, you have an assignment due on Wednesday. Try to finish it on Monday and send it on Tuesday. This way, if your cloud storage stops working or your file’s formatting is off, you have time to sort it out.
Don’t forget to make specific to-do lists for each day and start with the harder tasks.
Organize your documents, desktop, and space
If you’ve never put your files in order, start now. For some people, this task is extremely time-consuming because they have a lot of misplaced things and documents. However, this step is crucial, and it can’t be skipped.
Start with your cloud storage and computer. Gather similar articles and apps in folders with appropriate and descriptive names. Your desktop should be almost empty, and your files should be easy to find.
Next, tackle real documents: bills, files, notes, brochures, journals, etc. Use shelves and folders to put things in order. Then organize your workspace and clean it.
Once you’re done, you’ll have everything sorted, and when you need a file, you’ll know exactly where to find it.
Remember to keep things in place: as you add new documents, put them in opposite folders.
Use technology for administrative tasks
Technology is helpful for self-administration. Some devices have in-built apps that help you create to-do lists that you can tick off. Also, some apps offer a broad range of features such as alarms for meetings, fitness and health trackers, and interactive notepads.
This way, you don’t need paper, and you always have your mobile journal on your phone.
Become independent and responsible
This tip requires a shift in mentality. If you want to manage yourself and your work better, then you might want to take responsibility for your actions.
Also, don’t wait for your boss to tell you what to do. Start in advance and put more passion into what you’re doing. This way, your colleagues and superintendents will see you as a model employee.
Remember to ask for what you want. Whether it’s a raise or a training course, ask your manager about it and be straightforward.
Collaborate with your team
Just because you can manage yourself doesn’t mean that you have to do everything by yourself. Collaborating through candid communication is key to success in the workplace. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or to suggest an idea.
For example, even if you’re a desk employee, reach out to the CEO if you have an innovative idea for the company. The result may be a promotion, a raise, a boost in your reputation, or all three.