
Kanban View

There are two ways that you can list tasks in Chanty: as a list or as a Kanban board, which is the topic of this short guide. It’s essentially a way to view tasks in rows and columns, similar to... Read more

Manage tasks

Chanty tasks come with easy management options. On web or desktop apps Hit the    Three dots icon to the right of the task to view the task management options available. Tasks at Chanty come with... Read more

Filter tasks

You can filter tasks on Chanty to sort them by Date, Status, and Assignee. Navigate to the Tasks menu in Teambook and view all the filters on the top. On a mobile device, navigate to the Tasks menu... Read more

Search and browse tasks

The task history is important every time you need to know what, when and who has been involved in doing the task. Chanty lets you search and browse the tasks on your team space. Search field in the... Read more

Delete a task

Whenever you decide that the task is no longer relevant to you or your team, you can easily delete it. On your web or desktop app Find the task you no longer need and click the    three-dots icon... Read more

Set the task status

What’s the point of setting tasks if you can’t see the progress? Luckily, you can track progress with Chanty tasks. Once you create the new task, its status is immediately set to Undone.  When... Read more

Assign a member to the task

Tasks in Chanty let you assign a team member to get the job done. First, you need to create a task or turn a message into a task. The new task will be automatically assigned to you. Then, to change... Read more

Discuss a task

Chanty lets you turn the task into a workflow. Choose the Discuss option and you will switch to the dedicated place, away from conversation noise, offtopic and unrelated people to the task. Any task... Read more

Turn a Message Into a Task

Turning a message into a task on web or desktop app Send a new message or Choose the already posted message from any conversation and simply hit the    Create task icon in the top right message... Read more

Create a Task

Tasks help teams become more focused on productivity. You can create a new task from scratch or turn any message into a task in any given conversation. Assign, reassign, track the status of the tasks... Read more

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