In the past, when someone would mention remote work to me I would automatically think of working on a beach, or on a beautiful terrace listening to the ocean waves while drinking coconut (yes, you guessed it, it was always on a tropical island).
I am sure you thought about it too, didn’t you?
But then, the Covid-19 pandemic came, and all this changed. People were forced to work from home. And while work from home has its advantages it’s not all roses. We’ve talked more about the pros and cons of remote work in our article.
While work memes can serve as a relatable laugh with your remote co-workers, you can boost your team’s productivity by signing up to Chanty team collaboration platform for free.
However, the work from home frees you from commuting, seeing colleagues you don’t like, participating in chit-chats you are not interested in, and boring endless meetings. But we know you miss the fun you had with your co-workers when opening a message with a meme.
That’s why we decided to make a collection of the funniest work from home memes. We hope this will cheer up your day!
Now let’s go!
As I said how we imagine work from home and how it is in reality it’s a totally different thing. These work memes prove that:

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Getting ready for the office every day used to be a huge part of my daily routine. The more dressed I was the better I felt. At least I thought so.

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But now when working from home I try to be dressed comfortably enough, while still looking quite presentable for video calls with my team. I won’t lie, I do have days like these.

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Studies show that video calls make meetings more efficient and engaging. When you are on audio calls only, you tend to multitask like checking social media, eating, sending text messages, and even sleeping. Yes, people do that too! Honestly, it’s difficult to stay focused when you don’t have a face-to-face conversation.
Luckily at Chanty, we have video meetings regularly.

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As I said before, video calls are important for team productivity, but to make sure that remote employees feel comfortable sometimes it makes sense to have audio calls instead. I love video calls but if I have a bad hair day, I might opt for an audio call…

I admit it, we do have our favorite phrases like:


And everything goes well until you realize that your kids are at home as well.

What do you do with your kids when they are at home and you have an important video call?

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Relax, this is just a wfh meme, not real life. Or is it?

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I used to think there are some jobs that cannot be done remotely. But I guess I was wrong…

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We hope you enjoyed it! Don’t forget to share any additional wfh memes with us!
We know you might feel lonely, so today you have an opportunity to lunch with our designer.
Bon appetit!
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