
How Great Managers Can Drive Employee Engagement

How Great Managers Can Drive Employee Engagement

Behind every efficient team of employees, there is always a great manager who knows how to communicate with their people. Surely, it is impossible to motivate someone who is not willing to cooperate, but managers need to have a great understanding of the skills their team possesses and use them to the company’s advantage.

A great manager also has excellent organizational skills and they talk to the employees often.

How can managers drive employee engagement? Here are the ways to help you create a great working environment and bring your company to a whole new level.

Setting goals

The best way to engage your team of employees is by creating goals or small milestones. Of course, the goal should be reachable and it is important not to overestimate your team because they might get discouraged if they fail every single time.

Give your employees a chance to grow and develop in their fields of expertise.

Move your employees around and give them tasks which are unfamiliar to them. This will make them learn new skills and increase communication in the office. Start with the basics and see how it goes.

They will be engaged in the process and learn more as they go, which should eventually make them more efficient and knowledgeable.

The importance of communication

Communication with employees is the proper way to engage them and keep everyone happy. It doesn’t matter if you do it face to face or via email because it will have the same effect on the work environment in the company. Good communication will improve work success and you will notice that your employees are more eager to tackle any task you put in front of them.

Of course, the communication should go both ways so don’t forget to get back to your employees as soon as you can. If you are a manager, you need to show your employees that you are engaged in the process as well.

Don’t wait more than 24 hours to reply to their messages or emails, but be prepared to help them out as soon as possible, this will definitely improve team communication.

Building trust is the key to encouragement so your team will dedicate more time to their projects if you are there for them every step of the way. Not to forget that they will improve their efficiency and quality of the final product.

Sharing the information

A great way to ensure that your employees are on the right track is by providing them as much information as possible about the projects they are working on, as well as on their role in the company. There is no need to do the work for your employees, but give them useful guidelines that will lead to success. They will be engaged in the project and make good decisions on their own.

Interact with your team on a daily basis and offer consultations to everyone who might feel stuck or uninspired. It is also important to create a relaxed atmosphere in the office where your employees will feel comfortable asking you questions about the tasks or projects which are on their schedule.

Use the strengths

“A single person cannot perform absolutely every job. So instead of zeroing in on the weaknesses, you need to discover what they do best, and let them grow in that area of expertise.” says Tony E. Horning, HR specialist at Assignmenthelper.

Yes, learning new skills is fun and educational but if you want to bring quality to your company, make sure your employees are working in the right positions which are fit for them.

Once you recognize the strengths and talents of your team, assign them to the right projects, and observe how they perform both as individuals and as a part of a team. They will very likely be more productive and happier with the company. This is crucial if you rely on your employees because the more satisfied with the work they are, the higher chances they’ve got to stay.

Inspire leadership

Giving your employees opportunities to lead and make decisions on their own is a good way to inspire them to be independent and think outside of the box. They will be more engaged in the work they do, but also feel very confident creating a better output in the long run.

So instead of insisting that they run to you whenever your employees need to decide on something, give them the freedom to solve tasks on their own. You will still be their manager so don’t worry about losing your authority.

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Give the opportunities for growth

Most employees look for the growth opportunities, especially the young generation. And if you can’t give it to them, your workers start to seek it somewhere else. As the result, they won’t be so passionate about their work and tasks that you give them. If you have the opportunity, try to provide coaching and new training for your employees. It can help them to become better specialists and do their job much better. You can send them even on some life-balance or goal-setting courses! Such courses let the employees understand that their manager or company cares about their success and achievements.

Celebrate success with your employees

Every person wants to feel his importance. If your employee or a team contributed to the successful result – let them know about that. Explain how they helped and why they are important. This can motivate others to achieve something more and work harder. Show your appreciation with promotions and bonuses. After the successful completion of the project, you can arrange a party or team building. Such events make the team stronger and allow to get to know each other closer.


Every manager is different and each does have their own set of tactics they use in the workplace. However, try a couple of these methods out, especially if you want to see more engagement by the employees. The main keys are motivation, inclusion, and absence of favoritism in the workplace. Give them room to grow and you will most likely see a positive change in your company.

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1 comment

  • Having employees that are engaged also helps the company reach new heights of success as they would work more efficiently, be more loyal and go the extra mile in delivering the results. It will also result in the employees staying with the company for a longer period.

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